Dog Walker / Dog Sitter ID- 11014
Are you passionate about pets and looking for flexible work near you? Rover, a leading pet care platform, offers dog walking and pet-sitting jobs in National City, CA! As a Rover sitter, you’ll connect with local dog owners and provide reliable pet care on your terms. Set your rates, control your schedule, and access Rover’s robust support, including vet care reimbursements. Join Rover today to make pet care your flexible career!
Remote Data Entry, No Experience, $40/hr, Part-TimeVirtual Assistant, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience, Night Job
Entry-Level Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, Evening Job
Customer Support, No Degree, $40/hr, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $42/hr, Part-Time, College Student Friendly
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Remote, No Degree, Night Job
Part-Time Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, College Student Friendly
Remote Moderator, No Degree, $50/hr, Evening, Weekend Job
Remote Customer Support, $42/hr, Night Job, No Experience
Live Chat Support, $40/hr, Remote, Entry Level, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, No Degree, Night Shift
Part-Time Customer Support, $40/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Live Chat, $50/hr, Part-Time, Evening/Night Job
Entry Level Phone Job, $42/hr, Remote, No Degree Required
Weekend Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience
Remote Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Evening, Part-Time Job
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, Part-Time, Weekend, No Degree
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Night Shift, College Student Job
Phone Support, Remote, $50/hr, No Experience, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, No Experience, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, Part-Time, College Student
Data Entry, Remote, $40/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Evening Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, No Experience
Weekend Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, No Experience, Evening/Night Job
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, Entry Level
Remote Phone Support, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Experience, $50/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, Remote, $42/hr, Night Shift, College Student
Phone Job, $50/hr, Remote, No Degree, Part-Time, Weekend
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience Required
Virtual Assistant, No Experience, $42/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Remote Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $42/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $50/hr, College Student, Night Shift
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Degree, $45/hr, Part-Time, Remote Job
Customer Support, $50/hr, Remote, Evening/Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $45/hr, College Student, No Experience
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Phone Support, $50/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, No Degree
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, No Experience, Part-Time
Data Entry, $50/hr, Night Job, No Degree, Remote
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Job, Remote, No Experience
Data Entry, Remote, $42/hr, Evening Job, No Degree
Live Chat Support, $45/hr, Weekend, Remote, College Student
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $50/hr, Part-Time, Night Shift
Data Entry, $40/hr, No Experience, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, No Degree, College Student Friendly
Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Remote
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, College Student Job
Phone Support, Remote, $42/hr, Evening/Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, No Degree, $45/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $50/hr, Remote, No Experience Required
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, College Student, Weekend Job
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Remote, Part-Time, Evening Job
Remote Customer Support, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Phone Job, $45/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $50/hr, College Student, No Experience
Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, Remote, Weekend Job
- Provide a variety of pet care services, including dog boarding, dog walking, doggy daycare, and house sitting.
• Quickly respond to pet care requests through the Rover app..
• Ensure the safety and well-being of pets under your care.
- Set your rates and earn extra income through pet care services.
• Access Rover’s app and 24/7 support team for reliable service.
• Enjoy the security of the Rover Guarantee, which includes up to $25,000 in vet care reimbursement for eligible claims.
• Quick payments within two days of completing a service.
Earn money hugging cute dogs! This is the dream of any animal lover!
With Rover, you can find plenty of dog walking jobs in National City, CA. So join Rover today and turn your passion for pets into a rewarding pet-sitting career! Once your profile is approved, you’re open for business!
Why work with Rover in National City, CA?
Rover offers flexible job opportunities for those looking to work with pets in National City, CA. Whether you want a side hustle or a rewarding part-time job, Rover lets you start a career in pet sitting with ease. Sign up, download the app, and begin!
How to apply for Rover in National City, CA?
Start out by simply creating a profile on Rover’s website. After your background check, your application will be submitted for approval. Rover’s team will review your application manually, and when you are approved, you can start getting pet-sitting jobs near National City, CA!
- Love for animals with experience in pet care.
• Ability to pass a background check.
• Commitment to Rover’s pet care guidelines and safety standards.
• Access to the Rover app for dog walking and drop-in services.
• You must be at least 18 years of age to become a sitter and dog walker on Rover.
• Sitters and walkers on Rover are considered independent contractors. This means that you’ll be running your own small business on Rover and won’t be considered a Rover employee.
Note: A $49 profile review fee applies for setting up your pet care profile on Rover. Fees may vary by location.
Commission and fees
A $49 profile review fee applies when joining Rover.